Our mission is to radically democratize trading advice. Together we can add more transparency to the trading world!
for bloggers and retail investors
to a new Fintech platform
Become a contributor
Value for Users
Value for Bloggers
A focused content platform with a targeted audience: pure essence of people interested in investing
The platform is dedicated to create a nourishing environment for all types of investors and to promote itself in order to attract new users. No need for any outside marketing or promo for the content creator
All you need to do is generate ideas and insights; the content editing tool is built in, with all the possible charts and reports at hand to quote. There are several pre-designed frames for your ideas: demo portfolio, investment idea, comparison of 2 companies, etc
A detailed marketing analytical block will show you which content is preferred by the audience and how you can make your content more relevant
You can build demo portfolios of any complexity and encourage your audience to mimic you
Simple tools for direct communication with your followers: live QAs, trading contests, individual consultations
The platform offers a clear system of monetization for the creators: several types of subscription; the creator decides which subscriptions he/she offers to the users, and establishes the price
We invite you to join us at this stage as the content creator who will help us to refine the content editor, and to help us improve the overall user experience of investing
The bloggers who join us at this stage will automatically be The Pioneers for the audience to come, forever in the limelight
There is no other similar convenient, simple, light and social-media fed universal analytical and investment tool in the world today
The user can invest straightaway on the platform (via connected brokers)
The user can simulate a portfolio and play this game in a virtual playground before he/she feels ready to invest. The simulations are fed by the real NY stock exchange data
Featured bloggers and an AI-powered personalized feed of content: news and social buzz, based on the user's portfolio and watch lists
Short news and quick insights. No long reads, no complex manuals. This is a very light and mobile information flow
A very focused information flow for the entire range of investors, from the very beginners to the sophisticated experts
Road map
We are here
Attracting retail investors to the platform
Bloggers' studio prototype
Starting cooperation with selected bloggers
App commercial release
App beta / ready for evaluation
We are here
Attracting retail investors to the platform
Bloggers' studio prototype
Starting cooperation with selected bloggers
App commercial release
App beta / ready for evaluation
We are here
Attracting retail investors to the platform
Bloggers' studio prototype
Starting cooperation with selected bloggers
App commercial release
App beta / ready for evaluation
Next Steps
Get to know
Let's start with 30 – 45 min on-line meeting where we will introduce our goals & expectations as well as get to know yours.
Build trust
If needed, we can have additional AMA or other type of info exchange (however, don't think too long).
Agreement and action
If we are a good fit, we will ask you to invest your time and talent in publishing your content on the platform, and test and improve the creator's content editor module. At this stage, we would like to discuss with you a conditional partnership in this newly established FinTech.
About Us
10+ years experience in brokerage software development in US
15+ years in branding and 5+ year experience in digital marketing
10 + years in data engineering, data analytics and machine learning
20+ years experience in banking industry
SOLinvestor seamless integrations
SOLinvestor uses Etna Software (etnasoft.com) trading OMS
Solinvestor is integrated with the Socialsentiment.io neural network
Contact us
